Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Making your home more meaningful.

On my whole "journey to happiness" while I've been reading the How of Happiness, a lot of cool resources have been stood out to me. I saw this post on pinterest and immediately read, even before "repinning" (because I always do). http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/10-things-that-will-make-you-happier-at-home-174151. It has ten steps to being happier in your home. My most favorite was "# 3. Display sentimental items around your home". 

And that is today's tip for the day.

I really can see how this can make you happier. Seeing pictures of places and people I love always makes me smile. In honor of trying to make this happen, I changed my desktop to this picture:

Freak. How can this NOT make you happy? Beats me! I love this girl. She is my little niece and the only one on my side of the family. Can you say spoiled? Anyways, cheers to todays tip to make your home more sentimental! Have a good, happy, loved-filled day!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cupcakes from scratch? NO.

Cupcakes from scratch from a box. That actually taste good. See for yourself:

I read once that if you take a box mix and use 1/2 the water and substitute the other half with milk they will turn out fluffier, more moist and like this (see above). Well folks it worked. No more homeade cupcakes. Believe me, they taste just as good if you do that. That's a wrap for my tip of the day! Enjoy your weekend.